The following is a list of general photo packages. Please contact for specific pricing on your individual needs.
Family Portrait (2-3 Hrs)
Individual Portrait (1-2 Hrs)
Images provided dependent upon number of products.
Senior Portraits
Starting at $325, depending on location(s) and time.
Starting at $1200, depending on package.
Contact to create your individual package to meet your needs.
Live Event/Party/Sporting Event
Half Day (2-4 Hrs) $475 :: Full Day (4-8 Hrs) $675
Bookings exceeding allotted time will have
additional hours billed at $95.00 / hr.
Prices include basic editing, processing and posting of images to online gallery for public, if requested. Basic editing consists of adjusting exposure, brightness and contrast, color balance, and removal of minor wrinkles and blemishes for portraiture work.